Age healthier live happier
By Chelsey Becker

Tired? Trouble sleeping? Low libido? Brain fog? Weight gain? If you’re making a mental checklist as you read through that list of symptoms…keep reading…this one’s for you. It’s easy to attribute these symptoms (and many others) to “just a part of getting older.” But does it have to be that way? NO! Thanks to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), you can restore your energy, regain your vitality, and optimize your overall health and well-being. 

We introduced BHRT in last month’s issue, but the testimonials we’ve received from clients in recent weeks inspired us to dive deeper and share more information about this truly life-changing treatment. There’s a lot of buzz about hormone replacement therapy options. Keep in mind that the BHRT we offer here at Aurora is ALL-NATURAL; it is not synthetic hormone replacement (i.e. injections, pills, etc.). We offer BHRT through BioTe– the leaders of bioidentical hormone therapy. We aren’t applying creams or patches, we aren’t giving you injections every week. The BioTe method of BHRT dates back to 1939 and has over 80 years of use and studies worldwide. This method involves tiny pellets (derived from all natural compounds and identical to the hormones our bodies naturally produce) being inserted under the skin 2-3 times per year. The pellets release the hormones based on your cardiac output (how hard your heart is working at the time), and therefore provide a more steady stream of testosterone and/or estrogen which allows clients to avoid those notorious ups and downs often associated with some other types of hormone therapies.

What are the benefits of BHRT through pellets?

  • Reduced brain fog
  • Increased energy
  • Enhanced sleep
  • Reduced anxiety & depression
  • Stronger bones & muscles
  • Reduced body fat
  • Breast protection
  • Cardiovascular/heart protection
  • Enhanced libido

So you feel like the symptoms we’ve talked about might describe you and wondering what the next steps are? We’ve got you. As always at Aurora, consultations are completely complimentary, and there is also a free health assessment available on our website and from there we would send clients for lab work. This thorough pre-pelleting panel consists of almost 50 individual tests! Your lab results are then used to carefully calculate your individualized treatment, customized to your body’s needs. After lab work, we schedule your first insertion. YAY! Insertion appointments are quick and easy. Male clients– we see you every 5 months (that’s only twice a year!). Ladies– we see you every 3-4 months for insertions. Most clients report signs of symptom relief as early as 7 days post-treatment. BHRT via BioTe pellets…works better, lasts longer, fewer treatments…it’s time to take your life back folks. 

“I’m finally sleeping through the night, I’m just feeling like myself again.”

Aurora BioTe client

“I have more energy, I feel more rested and refreshed. My wife says my libido is definitely higher…I didn’t really know what to expect, but I can honestly say I just feel better.”

Aurora BioTe client

“This is the best I’ve felt in years. I can run again. I even signed up for a marathon!”

Aurora BioTe client

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