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Many aesthetic clients come to Aurora noting skin concerns such as fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, acne or acne scarring, or uneven skin tone and texture. Medical-grade chemical peels are a fantastic treatment option for clients who are struggling with these symptoms. Chemical Peels are comprised of a series of solutions that are applied to the skin in steps. Aside from some fairly stout fumes, and a slight tingle as the solutions begin to neutralize, the treatment itself is painless. While we do recommend clients complete a series of three to four chemical peels as a part of a treatment plan for optimal results, visible improvements will start to be seen after one. And peels are not just for the face! This treatment can also be done on a client’s neck or hands. The goal of a chemical peel is to remove the outermost layer of skin, which improves and smooths the texture of the skin underneath, including visible improvements in scarring. You should always consult with your provider to determine the depth of your peel, based upon the condition of your skin and your goals for treatment. Here at Aurora Medical Spa, we offer three levels of SkinMedica chemical peels: Illuminize Peel, Vitalize Peel, and the Rejuvenize Peel. 

Illuminize Peel: The Illuminize Peel is our lowest level chemical peel. This peel is recommended for mild skin imperfections, and will not cause any physical peeling of the skin. Are there still benefits if you don’t peel? YES! Think of peeling from a chemical peel more as a side effect rather than a result. Improvements in texture, tone, and overall appearance will happen regardless of how much or how little your skin peels. 

Vitalize Peel: The Vitalize Peel is a mid-level peel recommended for clients with mild to moderate skin imperfections. Client’s usually see some peeling with the Vitalize Peel, although the amount of peeling varies greatly from person to person. Peeling is not immediate, in fact your skin will be practically glowing during the 24 to 48 hours post treatment. Peeling often begins 48 to 72 hours after the solution is applied to your skin, and continues for approximately three to five days. 

Rejuvenize Peel: The Rejuvenize Peel is the strongest chemical peel offered at Aurora, and is recommended for moderate to severe skin imperfections. Much like the Vitalize Peel, clients will experience varying levels of physical peeling 48 to 72 hours after treatment, and will continue to peel for an average of three to five days. 

As we talked about earlier, improvements will be seen after one chemical peel, however it’s important to complete a series of four to six peels to achieve your desired skin goals. Chemical peels are also a great add-on option with a facial! Both the Illuminize and Vitalize Peel make a fantastic complement to the Diamond Glow Facial, offered exclusively in Southeast Missouri by Aurora Medical Spa. The Diamond Glow will prep your skin with microdermabrasion, while infusing a medical-grade serum to the dermal level which will allow the chemical peel to penetrate further. Combining the chemical peel with the Diamond Glow will give you deep exfoliation with intense hydration.

Another client fave is adding a dermaplaning treatment before their peel. The dermaplane treatment is a quick, safe, and non-invasive skin procedure used to remove the top, thin, outer layer of skin called epidermal cells. Using a specialized surgical blade, it’s performed by gently scraping away the top layer of problematic skin. Dermaplaning is also an excellent option for clients looking to get rid of pesky peach fuzz (vellus hair) on their face. Over time, vellus hair can cause a buildup of dirt and oil, causing breakouts. Removing these hairs greatly improves your skin health and can prevent breakouts between treatments. Dermaplaning makes a great addition to the chemical peel procedure because it gives us a fresh slate of skin to work with!

Investing in something that makes you feel good AND look good, is always worth it. It’s never too early (or too late) to start taking care of your skin. Don’t make a wish…make an appointment!


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